A New Food Perspective for the New Year

I wrote this for a quarterly newsletter at work and I decided to share it here as well. Enjoy!

A New Food Perspective for the New Year
By: Tiffany Rivera

Have you ever noticed that it costs just $1 to purchase a cheeseburger at a fast food restaurant or a bag of chips from the gas station? But at the grocery store or farmers market, that same dollar will only get you a head of lettuce or a few apples — hardly enough to get your fill.

The striking price difference can make it tempting to stretch your budget by purchasing larger quantities of unhealthy food. But it is important to be aware that there is a very high cost involved in purchasing cheap food; consuming cheaper foods that are often high in fat and cholesterol (including fried food, salty snacks, and sugary drinks) is one of the main causes for life-threatening diseases like obesity and heart disease.

So for our health’s sake, it is well worth the price to invest in a more nutritious diet. A great way to maximize nutritional value is to buy and eat seasonal produce. Not only is it less expensive when in season, but it also carries the most nutrients and flavor when it is at its peak — now that’s a great deal!

This season, enjoy delicious citrus fruits at their peak, including oranges, lemons, and grapefruit. Extra verdant during these next few months are nutrient-rich green veggies, like broccoli, swiss chard, collard greens, mustard greens, and spinach. So for the New Year, be sure to consider health first when making food choices!

I sure will! I’m not the biggest fan of New Year’s resolutions, but I do have some personal goals and dreams up my sleeve. ;). 2011 was a year full of milestones for me. I graduated college. I started my first grown-up job. I even ate all-you-can-eat Korean BBQ for the first time (hence the need to make healthier food choices)!

I look forward to sharing what 2012 at Tiffany’s will be all about! Get excited for more delicious food, fun tips, and maybe even some dancing. What? Dancing? Just you wait and see!

I wish you all a very Happy New Year. Have a safe and fun time with your festivities and I’ll see you in 2012!

With love,
Tiffany R.
Dining at Tiffany’s

2 Danger-Free, Last Minute Christmas Gifts

December somehow flew right past me this year! Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, but this month I did not engage in marathon Christmas shopping. I did not bake and wrap a single brownie or cookie in red and green cellophane. I did not curl a single ribbon.

It might of been because I spent the first week of December in Hawaii visiting my sister! Her marine husband is serving all the way in Afghanistan so my parents and I decided to keep her company for some early Christmas cheer.

While we were in Hawaii, the Food Network Iron Chef just happened to be filming a special episode on the Marine base where my sister lives. And guess what..

I met the Chairman from Iron Chef (yes, the guy who yells “Allez Cuisine!!”) and Alton freaking Brown! Iron Chef Morimoto and Iron Chef Simon did a Tailgate battle. I signed a contract so I can’t tell you who won. I guess you’ll just have to tune in to the Food Network in January! We also might be on TV. Woohoo!

The rest of the trip was full of delicious food, most of which was topped with pretty flowers, and accompanied with a side of pineapple. 🙂 
Now onto the Christmas gifts.. At this point, malls and department stores are scary, scary places. Don’t let the tall Christmas trees and holiday decor fool you. Shoppers are ferocious.

So this year, I came up with two danger-free gifts for under $20!

Know anyone who loves spicy food? Get them a hot sauce medley from around the world! Grocery stores are slightly less hazardous than the mall today. 😉

An Asian favorite — Sriracha is great in soups or with noodles.
Cholula and Tapatio are Mexican favorites, great with eggs and anything else that could use a Latin kick.

Frank’s Red Hot can be used on its own, or as a great starter for chicken wing sauce. And of course, the American classic Tabasco.


Got a loved one out of town? It’s actually not too late to mail a thoughtful gift! Year-long magazine subscriptions are always appreciated and show you care about their interests and leisure! You can do this online, without leaving home, and they don’t need to arrive until January!!

Most magazines offer an easy way to send the subscription as a gift. Send an e-card (try bluemountain or Hallmark.com) on Christmas to let the recipient know what’s coming!

So I hope this helps if you’re in a panic. Have a very Merry and blessed Christmas, everyone!!

With love,
Tiffany R.